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Next70 Capital Campaign — Pioneer Drive Baptist Church

Dear Church Family,

Seventy years ago, Pioneer Drive gathered to meet for the first time. Because of the vision and sacrifice, we have made a profound impact near and far.

Pioneer Drive has baptized thousands, welcomed countless people in the faith family, launched innovative ministries, planted churches, and sent resources around the globe to fulfill the Great Commission.

We now stand on the threshold of a God-sized opportunity to continue the legacy for the “Next 70” years and beyond. Our current facilities limit our capacity in both worship venues, and a new sanctuary will allow for us to grow our fellowship.

Furthermore, we will centralize our worship and common areas, connecting to one another with a greater sense of unity and purpose.

Pioneer Drive has always been a church on mission.

The Next 70 project will enable Pioneer Drive to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational needs of the Big Country and beyond into the next century.

Dr. John Whitten
Senior Pastor